Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Little Piece

As per request (Sarah..) here are some pictures of my new apartment in Guelph. The lighting was terrible today because it's raining out... but I decided to go ahead and take them anyways while I have the time today.

Looking from my living room into the kitchen.
My super awesome table that opens up to hold all of my board games!
Looking from my kitchen into my little living room.
From the kitchen towards the bathroom/closet/door.
The bathroom.
Looking into my bedroom.
Looking from the door into my room.
The other side of my room.
(usually my easel is not set up but I just started work on a new painting)
annnd another angle of my room.
Also, my cactus garden had a baby cactus!!
And my mom brought me a pot of violas from my garden at home that I am currently trying to nurse back to health because they were out in the cold.
 And that's it! It's not much but it's nice =)


Sarah Vandervecht said...

i love your apartment! It's so cozy! I can't wait to see it!

Brooke Angeline said...

Well then come VISIT!!!!! pick a weekend in January and we'll plan for it!