Monday, March 28, 2011

Meeting Lanny

On Saturday I adventured with Sarah to an old (not so) abandoned building on the Detroit River near Hiram Walker's and the train station. As it turns out there is an old man named Lanny "protecting" (aka living in?) this building. He wouldn't let us in and nearly scared the pants off of us when he caught us in the elevator shaft.  It was one of our more interesting and hysterical adventures and definitely the most odd.  We took some great photos though. Here are some of them:

The Detroit skyline from inside the elevator shaft
This was right before I was caught by Lanny
The bottom right hand corner of the building here is where we managed to sneak into the elevator shaft for a couple minutes before Lanny discovered us.
The tracks here aren't in use anymore.
Apparently there used to be a bicycle recycling center at the back of the building here. On the door next to this spot someone had painted "Where there is a wheel....there is a way.... - Baycity Wheelman 1868"

You can see Lanny creeping us from the top floor.

There was a car and a painting of a ship through these doors.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

spring spring spring

My garden is blooming! I believe I shall start working on it sometime next week. I'm really looking forward to it :) Please ignore the poor quality of the pictures.. I took them with my phone.

I think that today will be an artsy day. The sun is shining and I am feeling creative.

Wrapped in Piano Strings

Few words could open me.
But you knew them all.

This album is beautifully fantastic.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

and going away means forgetting

I found all of these on the same day by chance.
I thought that was cool.
I love Peter Pan.

My Radical Face "Ghost" came in today! 
Thank you Katie Best for posting their existence. Much appreciated. 
Music is incredible.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Passing Afternoon

More adventures of Geordie and Brooke.
This is at the University of Guelph's Arboretum Centre.

We listened to a lot of Iron and Wine this weekend. Sam Beam is a genius.

Love and some verses you hear
Say what you can't say
Love to say this in your ear
"I'll love you that way"

Monday, March 14, 2011


This video is called Youth and it was shot and edited by Tommy Petroni. It's beautiful. I found it on
I want summer and I want freedom sooo badly. This is the freedom feeling.
I am inspired to make a video of my summer this year. I think I shall.

My hands are blessed to have touched the sun

Local Native - Sun Hands
From the album Gorilla Manor


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cousin Stu

Friday, March 4, 2011

new music

Manchester Orchestra - "Simple Math"
Thisss is new. I can't wait for May when the album releases.

Radical Face - "Welcome Home"
This is not as new. I can't wait for the album to arrive in the mail. Early next week hopefully!