Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Last week Geordie and I celebrated our two year anniversary and this past weekend was his birthday so we decided to go camping with our friends, Luke and Amber. We went on a canoe trip in Massasauga Provincial Park. It was very strange at first to be there without fourteen teenage campers to look after but we had a riot. I love that we love to do the same things. Here are some photos from our trip.
For some reason I was up at 5:30 the first morning.
I'm so glad I was.
God's creation is beautiful.

love at sunrise
That black thing is a bear. We saw two.
There were so many  of these little frogs at our second site. Every time you stepped in the water four or five would dive for cover.
Geordie's birthday fish! Mega pike.

Cliff jumping!
Amber - refusing to cliff jump
We both look pasty white. Neither of us is white at all.
the end