Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I stayed up last night and finished this.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I am officially obsessed.
I. Love. Polaroids.
Katie Best brought me the one on the right with the rainbow stripe and detachable flash which I absolutely ADORE! She also gave me my absolutely amazing vintage camera case which you can see in the picture below. I got the AutoFocus off the internet and it arrived last week! It's the only one I've tried so far. 

The flower picture is the first one I took, literally within minutes of having received the camera in the mail. The other I took of my sister next to the creek in my cousin's backyard but I didn't cover it quickly and it over-exposed which I am really upset about... However, it's still a Polaroid and I still like it.. But still.. Disappointing.

This is my favourite photo that I've taken so far! Stu, Ash, and Cass's hands. I've been planning this shot in my head for weeks!!

These extra Polaroids came with the camera and case from Katie Best. One package was already exposed and the other's battery was dead so I inserted my own photos into the frames! I'm going to make some sort of display out of them.. Just haven't decided what yet!

Yay for creativity!
I'm hoping to take some more this week in London. I will post them if I do :)

Family Easter

We celebrate all of the commercial-type Easter things on Saturday morning so that we aren't late for church on Sunday.

I won the Easter Egg Hunt
Heck yes.

Brooke: Ashton come paint with me!
Ashton: ...okay.. I need love
Brooke: .. are you going to cry?
Ashton: yeah..
Brooke: ..why?
Ashton: meh.. Because I can. *smiles*

Stupid Kitty brought a snake into the kitchen. My mom thought it was dead.  It wasn't. Hilarious :)

This is a really blurry photo but I just wanted to point out how similar Ashton and I look in it. Gahhhh!

The painting we did. I was making them try out an art lesson I want to do with my grade 2's for Mothers Day.
I think it will be a go.

My cousin Stu called us to see if we were coming over. We asked why.. he said because he was stuck in a tree.
We had to go rescue him.

Pretty high up.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Boy With A Coin

I'm procrastinating.. So here are a couple of things I've been meaning to post for a while.

This is just a sketch I did about a month ago.

And this is Assumption Chapel where Stu, Michelle, and I went to see Sarah perform in her orchestra. I'd been before but the room never ceases to amaze me. I love the ceiling. It has such amazing depth and detail. The stain glass windows are unreal as well. I wish we still made buildings like this. They're so beautiful.

Again, all photos were just taken with my phone.. I need to start carrying my camera around with me again. Maybe I will.

One more exam to go and I will no longer be a university student. Whatever will I do with my life.

Perhaps I will go live in Neverland and learn to fly.

One of these things is not like the other..

 I live in Windsor. This should not ever happen.
My flowers should not be covered in snow.
Especially not on April 23rd. 

A couple of days ago I woke up to weird shadows moving around on my wall. Those windows are my bedroom windows. The shadows turned out to be a massive doe in my garden. I had to scare it away. 
Look at what it did to my baby daffodils!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Do You Go Home To?


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Way Back Home

Geordie just showed me this and I love it. I want to go places and adventure SO BADLY.
Also, this guy is insane with his bike. I wish I had some sort of crazy talent like that.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My brother and I out for a longboard adventure last week. I love longboarding.
The photos were taken with my phone and, therefore, are not that great in terms of quality. Apologies.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

summer summer summer

Yep. It was this hot out today. Finally.
Notice that I used the word "hot" instead of "warm."

Unfortunately I ended up falling asleep while outside playing picnic and now I have a wicked sunburn.
Playing picnic alone isn't nearly as great.
Oh well. C'est la vie.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I have been trying to start studying for finals for three days. So far, I have only made it to my desk once and I haven't made it past more than two pages of notes. I am so campsick. I miss it so much and I miss my friends. My campsickness has left me extremely unfocused and it didn't help when I started the "staring at the walls" part of my distractive activities because it was then that I realized that my room is littered with all things camp. Everywhere I look it's a camp memory. Which is awesome. ...but I hate to think that I won't be adding any more to my walls this year. It's going to be a very different summer.

Music: Insomnia - Electric President

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wake Up

This was definitely the best summer ever. Last summer was incredible as well.. but there was something about this one that I will never ever forget. It was freedom and love and friends and God and just so many wonderful things rolled into one. I've been meaning to put all of these memories together for a while so here it is!

Beacon Bible Camp Summer Staff 2009
to our song, Wake Up - Arcade Fire

The Give

The Give from phos pictures on Vimeo.

Another wonder by Tommy Petroni, this time with the help of Phos Pictures

I want to make a video so badly.