Monday, April 25, 2011

Family Easter

We celebrate all of the commercial-type Easter things on Saturday morning so that we aren't late for church on Sunday.

I won the Easter Egg Hunt
Heck yes.

Brooke: Ashton come paint with me!
Ashton: ...okay.. I need love
Brooke: .. are you going to cry?
Ashton: yeah..
Brooke: ..why?
Ashton: meh.. Because I can. *smiles*

Stupid Kitty brought a snake into the kitchen. My mom thought it was dead.  It wasn't. Hilarious :)

This is a really blurry photo but I just wanted to point out how similar Ashton and I look in it. Gahhhh!

The painting we did. I was making them try out an art lesson I want to do with my grade 2's for Mothers Day.
I think it will be a go.

My cousin Stu called us to see if we were coming over. We asked why.. he said because he was stuck in a tree.
We had to go rescue him.

Pretty high up.



Katie said...

aha! knew you would win! are you sure you didn't use any summoning charms? that could constitute as cheating in this muggle world. :P

Brooke Angeline said...

Okay.. funniest thing ever. I am listening to HP right now and it JUST passed the part where Harry used the summoning charm to fetch his Firebolt so that he could defeat the Hungarian Thorn Tail Dragon in the Goblet of Fire.
I love Harry Potter.
Alsooo of COURSE I won!

Thalia said...

the fact that your cousin called you to come rescue him from a tree just made my night
was he legit stuck?

Brooke Angeline said...

Haha yeah, pretty much. We couldn't do very much but we at least supervised his sketchy and very slow descent back to earth :)