Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crocheting Beginnings

I taught myself to crochet and this blanket was my first project. I just finished it last night and I'm quite proud of it.

A Little Piece

As per request (Sarah..) here are some pictures of my new apartment in Guelph. The lighting was terrible today because it's raining out... but I decided to go ahead and take them anyways while I have the time today.

Looking from my living room into the kitchen.
My super awesome table that opens up to hold all of my board games!
Looking from my kitchen into my little living room.
From the kitchen towards the bathroom/closet/door.
The bathroom.
Looking into my bedroom.
Looking from the door into my room.
The other side of my room.
(usually my easel is not set up but I just started work on a new painting)
annnd another angle of my room.
Also, my cactus garden had a baby cactus!!
And my mom brought me a pot of violas from my garden at home that I am currently trying to nurse back to health because they were out in the cold.
 And that's it! It's not much but it's nice =)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Things of Fall #4 - My new job

This will be the last catching up post! I have finally caught up to this week. My new job has been absolutely fantastic! I am the Forest School assistant teacher and for that we play out in the woods four mornings a week. We build forts and play in creeks and watch porcupines climb trees and climb trees ourselves. It's awesome. My boss also decided that I am now in charge of the school's art program! So, every Tuesday I teach art! It's been going really well so far and I'm learning a lot and the kids art projects have turned out pretty well. This one is my favourite so far. It took us two weeks; the first week we did three different texture paintings each and the second week we used stencils to cut them into shapes and then glued them into birds. So cute.

Things of Fall #3 - Halloween

This year for Halloween I dressed up with Geordie and his friends. I was a native indian and Geordie was a dirty, greasy hillbilly. He drank out of a jar all night. Classy. The tattoo on his chest is my handiwork. 

Things of Fall #2 - Thanksgiving Weekend at the Cottage

Geordie and I went with his family to their cottage for Thanksgiving weekend. We went on a few adventure hikes on trails nearby. The last one we did was worth the trip up all on its own. It was in Algonquin Park near Bonnechere and it was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. First we went to High Falls, a waterfall and rapids where we could climb all over the rocks in the water and the small cliff face by the waterfall. I spent a lot of time sitting on a rock half way up the falls with my feet sticking out into the falling water. Then we climbed up to a lookout. Most of these photos are from there. Unfortunately, my camera's battery was dead before we even got to the cottage so I had to take all of these with my phone.. Tragic. We will go again and I will bring a real camera.
Looking for fish in the lake was too shallow for the boat to get through.
Leading down to High Falls.
An old barn that we explored.

Shots from the lookout.

This cliff was actually even higher than it looks here. I sat there too. I love heights. This is my  favourite photo of them all. 

Things of Fall #1

I went apple picking with my mum during my few days home in September. It was a lot of fun :) I like just me and mum outings.

the biggest apple EVER

It took both of us to eat the giant apple and we couldn't even finish it because it was too big.