Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer is Here

For the May long weekend, Geordie and I went camping with some of his friends from London. It was a fantastic time and the weather was flawless! Here are some photos.
Group shot - Nik, Sarah, Ryan, Starky, Richard, Melissa, Ian, myself, Geordie

Melissa and I ended up, by chance, being together on a team while we were the only girls playing in the ladderball tournament against three teams of guys.
We won.
They weren't exactly impressed but I was very proud.

Hairy Buggers - Nik and Starky
Bomb Diggity's - Ryan and Ian (there is a serious grammar mistake in that name..)
Green Lightning - Geordie and Richard
Ball Busters - Melissa and Brooke
Notice Ryan's careful illustrations. This was a serious event.
While the guys fished, I climbed trees and pointed out where all the fish were. Thanks to this, Georide caught a ginormous carp! Unfortunately, my camera's battery had died by then.. Disappointing.

Fishing - Nik caught a perch

Geordie fishing from the middle of the river (of course) with his mouth full of sunflower seeds (of course) with ugly crocs on (of course..)

On our way back to London, Geordie and I stopped in Thamesville to see if he would have any luck in the river there. He didn't.. but we tried and I saw some cool things and climbed another tree.
There were a million of these huge snail shells on the riverbank
I love trains. I especially love that this one goes on a bridge over the river and that I got to see it.
A swan!!!
I love Queen Anne's Lace.
This is the tree I climbed out on.
I am in a tree.
Geordie is fishing. Of course.
Hopefully we can go camping again this summer. I have camping fever. Summer is here.

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